lastnite,we went out for cruising.since kandaku was busy for the whole day preparin his tender(harap2 berjaya lg tender ini...amin)so,this late nite outing,pusing2 gave him a nice break to rilex his mind.tired of singing 'geli mat' seekin idea for where to go,we decided to pusing2 around pj state jer lah.

ini dia makcik DQ...sekarang takmo dah duduk on her carseat or even on the box near to the handbreak(her favorite spot).new fav spot is standin beside the windscreen.before we start the journey,kasi itew kereta minummmm dulu.
ini lak EA with his new fren baby elmo ehsan dr DQ.

so,from our hse drove thru old klang road to pj's some of the pictures....(byk yg reject..maklum ler camera amatur...ade gak 'org' yg tgh drive tu kata 'ni nak kene beli dslr nie' huhu....alangkah bahagianye if it's true....*winks2*).
before we made the tour....bought burger fr the stall.(catcat...wanna hv some?hehe).DQ lak dpt soya bean drink n cadbury bytes fr the 7e.

my lil'hero EA....titon dah coz he already know he still hv to wait for mommy to process the food for him 1st...hehe.
next,went to the nearest gerai selera seksyen 9 for the beverages.
the burger for me ...burger ayam.kandaku ate burger daging spesel,total bill RM5..erkk mahal gak burger stall skrang nie ek.

my teh ais...slurpppp.milo ais for kandaku.

pj Hilton viewin fr the federal hgway flyover
some of the shops in pj state.
victoria station restaurant...aduishh lama dah tak mkn sini.last time dtg harga dah melambung naik..huhu~~!
one of the road with lampu-lampi..hehe

the 1st 24hrs @&dableyou in klang valley..(if x mistaken).hehe gambo gelap...ok,ni gambo terang2 ok lak.

amcorp mall....once upon a time love to come ere every sunday for its flea market.masa tu suka tgk collection old pinggan mangkuk yg ada pic bunga kangkung or mornin glory(which one the rite one pun tak sure..hehe)....purple karer gituu.
done with the ronda2 and also frustated with the pictures quality,plus the camera bat gettin low....slowly we drove back home.kandaku ikut federal hgway laks........
hehe...dlm keterpaksaan kandaku stop jap for me to snap this pintu gerbang...border between kl and selangor.ishh kalo mlm2 minggu drive thru federal hgway better be xtra carefull...byk tul irresponsible drivers yg bw cas best..berlumba2 ikut suka hati dia jer.
angkasapuri the governmt's broadcasting company.....opposite buildings-the telekom tower n megamall gambo hancusss...hahaha.
from federal hway,masuk sg besi hgway...near by tmn desa 2 'tuan si kuda putih' laju kemain...baru blk dr operasi ke...huhu.
at 2am we reached the house...DQ dah lena....EA jer yg tersengih2 tak titon lagi.

anyway.....celamat ulangtahun ke 10 perkenalan kite to my cayang2 kandaku 17thFeb.17 is alwiz our favorite no.we were born at the 17th day of the month,got engaged at 17thMay.DQ our 1st baby is my parent's 17th cucu.jes our weddin anniversary jer tak dapek 17 coz nak amik awalmuharam...still,the date cantik gak 220204.
**************haVe a Nice daY,do come again,ya!*************