Tuesday, July 21, 2009
as early as 420am this morning,the house phone rang (anjang called)....sib baik tersedar...tried to wake kandaku up to answer the phone.in the same time my hp pun rang....it was my alang- 2nd brother's calling.
my mum was at sunw@y hospital since 3am with my anjang-3rd brother...she's been vomitting from the evening....doctor said the heart beat is very low....due to cardiac problem..doc suspected the heart ada prob.after few minutes both my brothers decided to send mak to university malaya medical centre(PPUM).
kandaku,my sister-kak lang n me arrived at PPUM at 530am.mak was still at emergency unit...the heart beat was still low 30beats per minute...but she was still strongly awake n complained itew ini..hehe,my typical mum.all of sudden it dropped until 20 whilst i was looking 4 container for her nak muntah...panik kejap my sis n me...mak's eyes dah terbeliak ke atas...the moment she's back to normal she said 'aku belum nak mati ler...' hehe,both of us(sis n me) smiled at each other...that's our mum...never give up.
around 815am the cardiologist-dr wahab n his asst-dr ummi yg sungguh peramah n explanative were there...he decided to do pacing for my mum to regulate her heart beat n K.I.V for angiogram which mak had refused to do so when she was referred to IJN last year.i was a bit panic ler coz i have to give the consent for those procedures since alang was in the office to get the GL n anjang baru jer 10mins went back after being urged by us to take a rest..kandaku pun baru balik to attend important meeting and also to bring back cranky EA...luckily kak lang dah kol alang n alang asked me to sign in the paper.
945am mak was in cardiac lab already for the pacing ....by that time my bangchik- 4th brother arrived.followed by my sister-kak chik.
at 11am mum was done with the temporary pacing...dr chee said kira mak nye heart switch is not working properly (ni thru my understanding lah) that's why the heart is not working properly n the potassium level is very high-hyperkalemia(mak dibanned fr eating banana,potatos,etc at all) n alhamdulillah no heart stroke n no need for angiogram.so,they need to monitor mak for 2 days...then,they will decide either mak perlu implant battery for permanent pacing or not...mak was transfered to CCU...on the way to the ward mak siap bergurau with kakchik 'wahh kemain cantik ko...,patut ler org suh ko dtg..hehe'(she came from d office) senyum bangchik mak puji bini dia..haha.all of us laughed.
since CCU is very strict in terms of regulations seme....just 2 visitors are allowed at one time,having me pregnant somemore...bangchik n alang wait for this evening until 8pm.the ladies balik at 230pm..itu pun after being thoroughly informed by the staff nurse abt CCU's regulations,etc.i smiled n feel a bit relief when she said 'makcik nie peramah orgnye.' hehe..that's my mum!it was heavily raining.mak pun dah felt asleep by that time...tired coz tak tido n muntah,purging dr semlm...take a rest ek mak...
at 330pm alang called informing that the 'taiko' cardiologist dr imran(alang kata he's rugged..uishh,esok kene cari dia nie..ihiks') had studied mak's case n concluded mak nye hyperkalemia due to her diabetic medication.she will be on insulin only.
mak woke up at 545pm to eat but the heart beats still low....
i just pray all the best for mak and tawakal to Him...coz He knows the best.moga mak sembuh dan sihat kembali..
*pic of mak at CCU...(sempat lg curik2 snap..)
anyway,thanks to Kak Na-kak lang's niece for her helps n i would like to say that i'm satisfied n surprised with the government hospital services nowadays...for PPUM lah.hope it will maintain n better in the future...
psst...:sis sya,hopefully u got my sms ek..sorry lah order kene put on hold dulu :),kol ur hp x jwb.
************haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!***************
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Friday, July 17, 2009

rasa mcm nak berhibernasi sebentar...mcm nak bekukan blog ini utk sementara waktu...
kerna empunya blog nak gi expedisi mencari kasih yg pudar....
gangguan sementara..ihiks'
p/s:tepon pun mcm gangguan sementara gak...acik tak reti nak pakai tepon canggih2 nie..maklum ler sekolah pondok jer..ihiks'..ermmm beli mesin jahit lg bagus kan..uhuks'

*tokojuit den..ado rupo eh beruang kutub warno pepel..ihiks'.
**********haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!**********
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
to someone that i love so much....

i received a text msg this morning from my old best fren....she's ere in klang valley..having seminar..schedule quite tight...ermmm,so near but yet so far....
miss our time together before she went to KISAS...i did get the offer ke sinun,but i refused to go...huhu,takut 2minggu masuk kene expel..haha knowing me the notty tulipurple..kui kui.
moga hari ini menjadi hari yg indah buatku...even for few days tak lena titon..sekrg dah tingTonG!!
a vase of purple tulip felawer n a cup of tea for everyone....thanks for everything :D

*************haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!************
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
huhu....giloss stress...i'm in a big dilemma...have to do something before it explodes...

i've been praying so hard to avoid this situation n yet it comes to me with pleasure..so denjeresss woo...i have to think n think n think ........
i really need His guidance...

*************haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!**************
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Labels: myself
Thursday, July 9, 2009
ermm....dia wat hal lagi...i'm feeling down again....
seme rasa serba tak kena...all of sudden i will cry like a baby...
termenung jauh like i can see beyond the wall...
melenting tak pasal2....
feeling so damn tired like
baru abis conquered gunung nuang (tu baru gunung nuang..)

perhaps i need more attention or it is just me ngada2...uwekkkk :P
pokok2 kat depan tu pun mcm tak semenggah dah...sorry lah gue enggak ada mood mau berbicara sama kamu semua...omong2 aja sama DQ ya...
melalut dah nie...
i'm feeling down....down town ke,down to earth ke..janji ada down nye..uhuks'
*pic yg takde kene mengena ngan tajuk...saje suka2 letak..
***************haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!********************
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009
heNTam saJer Ler....
aiyooo...takde idea nk start karang citer 'what i did last weekend'..hehe,kite selingan citer berikut jer ler dulu...yg pasti memang best last weekend...huhu.
*nie dinner lastnite....hari malas sedunia,masak sempoi jer ler...bayam air,telur goreng sambal n ayam berempah 'malas'...ketumbar&jintan jer ..serai,bwg segala
kite skip jer..huhu. pagi nie setelah dok ngidam nak makan nestum sbb kak elle dok citer dia makan nestum kan...nyum nyummm...breakfeast of the day - nestum C with ind()c@f3 C... alangkah syiokk kalu dpt pakai susu pekat yg lemak berkrimm..emmmm..ihiks'

*tgh mkn baru teringat..kalu campur ngan fresh fruits mesti lg sodapkan...mcm mkn ngan oat.ceria skit ruper nestum tu nnt...
last 2weeks...aku jadi ustazah 'rock'..hehe,saje wat volunteer ngajo arabic kat sek my eldest niece..kak long miza syakirah-MS.dia amik PMR thn nie...alhamdulillah,masih bley digunapakai ler ilmu di dada nie...idok ler berkarat gitu jer kan.
*yg baju merah syaza irdina-SI..yg nampak tgn tu sarah kamilia-SK..hehe kire duit nak blanjer maksu ker tu..huhu.
so,masa ku mengajor...my sis bawa ler her 2 daughters n DQ gi shopping2 at the nearest shophouses.my niece SI beli PURPLE notebook...sibuk nak wat diary katanye...terpengaruh akak2 dia ler tu..org baru pandai membaca dan menulis..dah kate diary,my sis pun ajo ler tulis ayat suku kata yg sonang..dan amat ler bersangkut paut ngan dia...hehe
'saya ada kutu'...sabor jer akakku...kot yer pun...hehe,kenyataan berani tp benar..biasalah,kalo dah gi sekolah..sure ada kes binatang hinggap nie..teringat waktu ku kecil2 time comot2 dulu,kene gak..sakit woo masa operasi membasmi pendtg tanpa izin kat kepala nie.
last sekali...citer pasal 'floating carpet'...sejadah terapung kat t'ganu...

ermmm,mcm2 spekulasi dan kritikan pasal gambo nie...tp,kalu tgk..terapung ke?
takperlah...kite biarkan pd yg bijak pandai lg arif utk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut..kat sini cuma nak kata... hehe,cantik PURPLE sejadah tu kan...hehe.
****************haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya****************
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Monday, July 6, 2009
ada beberapa perkara yg berlaku ujung minggu lepas...later2lah citer ek..story mory yg ni dulu...

i used to hear people talking n discussing about midlife crisis..but never bother to know about it deeply....nnt2 bila dah rilex bley kot tanya pakcik gugle...
but....i feel like i'm having it...haha,sounds funny n ridiculous..takperlah..belasah jer ler.kalo dibahagikan purata umur umat nabi muhd (s.a.w) kire my age dah in the middle ler..ihiks'.ke disebabkan hormon org yg nandong tu yg jadi mcm nie...risau,stress..serabut nie rasanya melampui tahap2 keamukan hormon yg tak balance tak sama seperti my previous pregnancy...ermmmm.kdg2 tu bley sampai tahap menangis tersedu-sedan den dibueknya...
(td dgr lagu kat umah matgebu pun bley tangkap meraung...parah2,camner tu?)
lagi sedey kalu DQ tiba2 dtg ngan sore halus mulus dia asking me...
'what heppen,mummy....?'
with her blank n innocent look...
atter..manalah teman idok lg meraung dibuatnye wey...
tambah lak EA dtg dok kiss2 geyam mummy dia nie...aduhai........
perhaps,this is a reminder from Him yg aku nie leka sgt dah...jaga dan perbaiki ibadahku..
awas!setiap ujian yg dtg dr-Nya tanda kasih sayang dr-Nya.
moga cepatlah resah ini berlalu pergi....wahai cik2 hormon jgn aktif sgt ek dok boing2 sana sini...hehe

wahhh....sonangnye idup kalu bley main repeat2 jer itew adolescne stage...awet muda,you!
'hati akan menjadi tenang bila mengingati-Nya.....'
********haVE a NiCe day,do come again,ya!*********
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Saturday, July 4, 2009
aPa-apaLah.... :(

orang kata...perempuan kebanyakannya sensitif jiwa nye...org kata bila perempuan mengandung...jiwanya semakin sensitif...mudah tersentuh...org kata ....
yerlah tu org kata...yg nyata adakah kerna aku menandong aku mudah terasa,ntah kenapa hati ini begitu tersentuh...dalam luka nya...kenapa semua salah ku jua yg nampak...kenapa....pilunya hati sampai tak bley nak menangis...sabar jer lah...telan jerlah..aku sedar siapa diri ini...innalillah..redha...dan berdoa lah utk kedamaian hati ini..itew sajalah yg mampu ku lakukan..
hokay...kita noktahkan perkara di atas....masuk dlm kotak,kunci rapat...campak dlm laut...bushhhhhh...mencik!!
cerita bergambar.....
ptg jumaat,semlm hajat di hati nak cari brg...sampai tempat di tuju brg yg dicari takda..sabar jer lah.masuk kedai lain...beli nie..
*beli gula tu dpt free 2x glass coaster...beli utk kat dapo dah abis,sampai umah yg dlm handbag pulak ilang..tau tadi beli 2 terus.shower cream tu saje beli..:P
(sis ummie..x dpt 'mende' tu,dpt coaster ala2 corak 'mende' tu jadilah..kan...kan kann?)
keluar nak ke tempat lain,kereta antik ku wat hal plak....
*ni masa dah 15min stop...temp still belum turun,myk ada lg tu..
ruper2nya masalah kecik jer...sabar jer lah..dah terbantot nak ke tempat itew...
gi pasar mlm...putus angin plak..tak tahu nk mkn apa...beli nie jer lah.
*lemak sungguh air keladi kali ini...suka3x....
tp,kat pasar mlm nampak nie...takda org nak pelawa...tangkap gambar jer ler...
close up skit...1st time tengok nama2 doyan nie...
*udand-merah,raja kunyit-musang king,gapai- xo,teka-fulu kasap...mcm2 nama dia kan...
ada sape2 bley bgtau kenape pic dlm blogku tokleh click jd besau?apa yg telah ku ubah setting...ke masalah lain?
**********haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!**********
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Friday, July 3, 2009
rOJaK di pagi juMaaT...
baru balik dr menyinggah di umah pn shiela (uishh...mudo laie rupernye dia...den lg tuo..huhu,tot sebaya),so kita pun ala2 nak wat cerita rojak gak ler...mana yg ingat,bokonan kek hati nie tulis yo lah..hehe.
yesterday,sepatutnya ada kelas yg perlu diattend at 630pm...dah siap bagai dr pkl 4pm...elok jer da siap...humang aii,ponin plak palo acik nie...try baring jap,by5pm++ tak settle gak.kandaku dah tak kasi gi lah...camner nk drive kan.kensel ler gamaksnye.
elok jer kandaku dah balik...ard to 630pm tu, mcm dah ok skit,tensennye pasal ajak kandaku gi kedai nk beli ayam...nak masaklah(kalo dak tot nk mkn luar jer lepas abis kelas).
blk dr kedai,teringin nk minum air kelapa mudo...next to the stall ada stall jual nasi kukus 'ayam dara'....spontaneously kandaku berkata..
'isshh ishhh..kesian ayam tu kan.. dies as a virgin....'
aku sengih jer ler... 'apa agaknye rasa ayam dara nie ek?'
ada sapa2 bley bgtau apa rasanye ayam itew?

*ni bukan stall yg sebenar..ni amik dr pakcik gugle..tp banner dia sejibik,sama..byk dah franchisenye...
sampai umah,750pm start bersilat kat dapo tu..cuci ayam,blend cili....bila dah start menumis utk nasi dah ada org sibuk kluar masuk dapo..tak lain tak bukan kandaku...DQ pehtu si EA plak..hehe.
by 9pm tu settle ler masak seme...kali nie mcm lipas kudung skit..sbb tak larat nk diri lama2..sakit tumit den..dapo,periuk seme dah siap berkemas...maka mkn ler kami anak beranak...nie ler hasil nye...
*nasi tomato...lupa plak nk beli beras basmathi td.ku suka pakai susu cair yg diperah limau nipis...malas nk cari yogurt..ihiks'
*ayam masak merah...ku d very sure kat umah ada green beans tu,bila nk pakai takda plak...bestnye kalu ada kcg ijo tu dimkn sekali..huhu.
*kurma telur...hajat di hati nk wat kurma daging,tp kandaku x suka daging sgt,lgpun nnt sure kene goreng telur gak...so,wat jer ler nie.yg sayur2 tu adindanye ler yg makan.dulu masa mula2 kawin,kandaku selalu tanya.. 'naper kurma u kdg2 tak putih?' 'sbb kdg2 i letak tomata puri..'
dan nak lelap mlm tadi baru perasan..ler aku lupa goreng papadom..patut ler mcm kurang.takperlah,janji kandaku siap kiss with thumbs up..DQ plak 'so delicious...' EA 'nyumm nyumm...'. seme bertambah.kalo komplen gak..mummy mogok..hahaha.sib baik tak masin lauk ku..sbb selalu time menandong ku mesti terlebey garam...sowwy ek kandaku,saper suh nandongkan i...larrriikkkkk.

*tu bukan dok isap jari tau...
pic ni snapped masa kat umah mak tok depa lah aritu.my kids mmg tak diajar berendoi (buai).yg ni sepupu depa punya,kebetulan ada dlm bilik kitorg tido tu.saje kasi EA test...naik syiok pulak dia.tengok mata dia naik stim kesian plak nak angkut kuar...maleh nak tunggu,suh lah daddy dia plak enjutkan...
'kanda..tolong enjutkan EA nie...' 'oklah...'sambil duduk kat tepi katil.'nyanyilah skit...selawat ker..' 'pulak...kene ker?oklah Eusoff,insert coins nak lagu per daddy nyanyikan....'
sabau jer ler kandaku ini....luv u kandaku ....weekend nie kita apa project??hehehe...
selamat berhujung minggu...
*****************haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!*****************
Thursday, July 2, 2009
*this n3 reminds me of my previous n3 ...
yesterday,went for monthly check up....hajat di hati nak tau yg di dalam cik awe ke cik mek tak ketahuan jua..sebb dia duk menonggeng..tgh sujud syukur tak pun sujud syahwi kot..hehe,sbb dia tau mummy dia solat subuh pagi td tgh2 mamai lupa baca doa qunut..ihiks'.puas ler digodek2...tekan sana sinun nak tgk ...tak dpt gak.takperlah...perhaps next month,asalkan baby dan mummy sihat dan sempurna.alhamdulillah,placenta pun dah naik atas skit.
yg nak diceritakan di sini....as i entered my gynae's room...tak sempat duduk,lepas bg salam terus tanya.. 'how's my blood test doc?' sengih2 doc ...'jap ek,my nurse tgh ambilkan'.
dah cek my blood pressure,nurse bg slip test result..... 'alhamdulillah...everything's fine...' whilst ticking on each result 'sugar ok,hameoglobin,hepatitis..etc2.....ok seme' 'alhamdulillah...(sambil senyum lebauuuu...hehe)'. 'u control ur diet kan?masa amik darah ni kita wat random test kan...u're not fastingkan?' 'yup,doc..(sempat gak jeling2 manja kat kandaku..haha)'
yessss yesssssss ...alhamdulillah.(sujud syukur baby dah tolong watkan...hehe)aku dok risau sugar level n kandungan darah everytime pregnt....nak2 awal2 bulan dulu 2kali kene low blood....yg pastinye sugar level woykeyyy...huhu,wpun ekceli kali ni aku tak diet sestrict masa ngandung EA,my 2nd child.masa berandongkan DQ,bagai nak rak ctrl diet tak turun gak...so,kene amik insulin...ouch.bukan sakit sbb nak dicucuk..tp,lecey nak kene usung insulin ke sana ke mari...timingnye lg.so,before prgntkan EA dah start ctrl diet.bila dah pregnant diet sesungguh2...so,i managed to skip my insulin injectn.chart sugar level pun chantekss jer.
yg berandong nie...tak dan nak start diet dah berandong plaks..hehe,bila dah berandong ala2 jer diet...bawa gak gula pal-swe3t tu ke mana2...tp,asyik luper jer..huhu.sorry ek doc..sebenaunya tak diet bebetul...anyway,alhamdulillah sugar ok kan...at random lg gitu..huhu.perhaps,masa tak ngandong aku tgk2 gak diet,even lepas bersalin sugar level normal...tu yg membantu kot.

*durian merah ada...agak2 doreyan furfel ada tak?..hehe
kesimpulannye...lepas nie balik penang nak gak gi cari durian balik pulau...huhu.....(aritu dah dpt rasa doreyan perakkan..),nak order tart durian sis sya...nak makan itew ini....tapi,seme still dlm kadar yg berpatutan...beringat sebelum melarat...sbb,kalo dah teruk saper yg susah?senirik gak yg susah kan....huhu.
p/s:thanks 2 my beloved sista yg belanja mkn roti SUSU -susu manis pekat berkrim bukan evaporated cream ek..huhu @papaR1ch semlm...lepas geram u..hehe.
*****************haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!****************
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