today...let's go by number.....
1) lastnite,masa mommy tgh berborak2 ngan daddy...DQ yg dok asyik main dgn toys dia tibe2 naik atas katil....seraya berkata...

'mommy...mommy....mommyyyy....look pappa...pappaa..'

this was actually,mende yg dia pegang...alphabet 'M'.....she's referring to McD.....wahhhhhh,mommy n dad were so touched n proud of u DQ dearest! you r so observance n clever...way to go DQ!moga DQ membesar bagai johan,cemerlang dunia akhirat..
2) due to my frustration coz at 4pm kene buka posa diatas sebab dijajah oleh 'bendera jepang'......i decided to cook fried rice for the day.....kensel seme plan...kueh cara especially.lucky,kanda ku memang hantu nasi goreng.......kalo hari2 masak ns goreng lagii dia suka...huhu~~ (sonang kojo den....)

3) ada ke patut....i asked kanda ku.....
'kanda,all d bills da kering...(coz d 'postoman' yg clever n rajin itew alwiz doesnt place our letters properly into the postbox....end up,bila ujan...basahh lerr...)

as always....he will ask me back...'erkk...bil ape yg dah kering....?'
aiyooo.....this hubby aaa 'the bills that u hang dlm store i tu ler.....on my round hanger tu' hoping that he will keep the bills away immediately.
'ooooooooOOooo....yg tu ek.let it's a new way of paying ur bills...once it's dry,it means ur bills are paid....' with his 'selamber' face.
Boleh ke mcm tu??can aaa like that??!aiyaaa....this fella aaa...nak marah pun ade,coz semak mata memandang jer....nak tergelak pun ade...wat eva it is...i luvvvv u lah kanda ku...tau takper,huhu~!!
4) it's EA's turn laks...... (my 'garienggg' boy....)
he's so 'kepochi' lately....making sounds,talking,mumbling,blabbering....n loves watching d TV...but not to b@rney..... hehe,everytime d purple dino appears on the screen his face will change,muka tergezuts,sometimes penyek jer muka coz takut kots.

'uishhh....ok,ok...posing posing....' 'alaaa....not too manylah, shy2 lah'

'ishhh....see,me shy2 already......,take deep breath..inhale...exhale.....'

'mommyyyyy....enuff lah...i really dun hv any idea wat more to pose lah...'
look at his lips...kalo dah sibuk berborak,senget-menget nanti..hehe.skrang pun pandai dah,d moment nampak camera ja...terus stagnant.There's one day,i was tryin to record his 'talkings' ..from afar...then,gettin nearer n nearer to him...once he saw me with d camera...instantly,smile n stand-still....ishhh....nak kene pakai hidden camera ini dearest 'kilo-kilo' baby.
************************do come again,ya!***************************