aiskrim potong..that was the first thing we saw as we entered the 'gergasi' hypermarket last few weeks.uishhh...apalagi,immediately went to the counter and grabbed those yummilicious ice cream.kanda ku picked the authentic kacang merah flavour and yam+coconut for me...i really enjoy yam ice cream coz its taste of 'lemak2' n the pepel karer itself..hehe.DQ laks as alwiz mencukai mommy and daddy nye aiskrim.EA jugak kene tunggu mommy makan dulu,proses2...dah jadi susu baru leh nenen..huhu~~!
well,this aiskrim potong reminds me of my childhood....we're allowed to have ice cream from the 'apek motor' once a month only.kire aiskrim tu dah cukup fancy abis aaa.but,when i went to school,i had ice cream for almost 3times per week for aiskrim potong.itupun masa naik bas until middle of my standard 4.lepas tu,ayah was the one who ferry me to school,tak bley lah beli lagi aiskrim potong dlm bas,including tak bley beli jajan kat luar pagar sekolah,as ayah was very punctual-keluar je dr pagar sek..his car will always there waiting..aiyaaa!.i prefer aiskrim potong coz of the taste and it takes longer time for me to finish it.yer lah,aiskrim potong kan keras...aduishh naik nyilu nak mengigitnye.the only flavours they have masa tu were only kacang merah n pandan.
not to forget,ais krim malaysia...(ishhh...wish i can prepare some of it..hehe leh tepek gambo kat sini).aiskrim malaysia nie lagi lah....u can make any flavour u want...hehe,bukan per,just bancuh jer air dia,add in fruits@the paste....ikat ujung dia.voila...siap dah,freeze it in the fridge.bila nak makan,maka ternyonyot ler lah org mother used to sell it,dah seperti biasa it's me yg jadi buruh paksa membuatnye hehe.bila mak suh simpul jer aiskrim tu yg boring,nak senang simpul, aiskrim tu pendek lak nanti(kesian kat customer..hehe),bila nak make sure aiskrim pjg payah laknak simpul kalo dah cinonet jer plastik yg tinggal.the easiest time,bila mak suruh guna getah jer utk simpul.yehaa..sonang kojo den,tp kene beware gak coz kalo tak ikat properly,melehleh lak. yang tak tahannye,sometimes tak dpt kuar main coz mak suh jaga 'dapo'.boring tul,kalo dpt komisyen ok gak.hehe.memandangkan tak larat nak kene repeat d list of flavour of the day again n again,i made up a small board.gantung kat pintu dapo,katalah perasa milo dah abis,i jes flip on the 'habis' sign.since my mum tak pandai baca rumi (dia sekolah madrasah dulu),bila dtg angin malas nak layan customer yg dok memanggil tu i put on everything sold,the
customer sure walk away jer bile,kantoi gak bile dtg budak2 kerdil tu memanggil,mak lak ada kat dapo...terpaksa lah attend diorg..seraya hati berkata 'apasala ler korang tak pandai membaca lagi'..hehe.
time paling syiok when the aiskrim 'pingpong'(name derived fr its box)arrived...some people called it aiskrim patah.aiskrim ni nak makan kene patahkan tgh2,i jes have to wait mak came back from chow kit,took the 'pingpong' box,arranged it in the freezer.settle keje.
come to think about all the food i had during my childhood surely makes me smile.with only 60cents for my pocket money daily,memang kene plan betul2 on what to spend.bila time tak cukup duit,kan ku korek tabung my brother.hehe he's good in money saving..lagipun idok ler tabung ku yg cepat ringan.but,at the end kantoi gak...teruk kene rotan..huhu~~!
aduishhh...all of sudden me craving for sengkuang potong with reddish cream topping+nuts+sugar lak(last 5yr adalah jumpa org jual kat lake garden...mak aii RM1 satu dah skrang,dulu 10-20sen jer)...ermmm,sagu dlm paper stick..ishh byk lagi lah makanan yg kadang2 tu merepek-repek time kecik2,what's ur 'chilhood cuisine'?
***********have a nice daY,do come again,ya!***********
not to forget,ais krim malaysia...(ishhh...wish i can prepare some of it..hehe leh tepek gambo kat sini).aiskrim malaysia nie lagi lah....u can make any flavour u want...hehe,bukan per,just bancuh jer air dia,add in fruits@the paste....ikat ujung dia.voila...siap dah,freeze it in the fridge.bila nak makan,maka ternyonyot ler lah org mother used to sell it,dah seperti biasa it's me yg jadi buruh paksa membuatnye hehe.bila mak suh simpul jer aiskrim tu yg boring,nak senang simpul, aiskrim tu pendek lak nanti(kesian kat customer..hehe),bila nak make sure aiskrim pjg payah laknak simpul kalo dah cinonet jer plastik yg tinggal.the easiest time,bila mak suruh guna getah jer utk simpul.yehaa..sonang kojo den,tp kene beware gak coz kalo tak ikat properly,melehleh lak. yang tak tahannye,sometimes tak dpt kuar main coz mak suh jaga 'dapo'.boring tul,kalo dpt komisyen ok gak.hehe.memandangkan tak larat nak kene repeat d list of flavour of the day again n again,i made up a small board.gantung kat pintu dapo,katalah perasa milo dah abis,i jes flip on the 'habis' sign.since my mum tak pandai baca rumi (dia sekolah madrasah dulu),bila dtg angin malas nak layan customer yg dok memanggil tu i put on everything sold,the
time paling syiok when the aiskrim 'pingpong'(name derived fr its box)arrived...some people called it aiskrim patah.aiskrim ni nak makan kene patahkan tgh2,i jes have to wait mak came back from chow kit,took the 'pingpong' box,arranged it in the freezer.settle keje.
come to think about all the food i had during my childhood surely makes me smile.with only 60cents for my pocket money daily,memang kene plan betul2 on what to spend.bila time tak cukup duit,kan ku korek tabung my brother.hehe he's good in money saving..lagipun idok ler tabung ku yg cepat ringan.but,at the end kantoi gak...teruk kene rotan..huhu~~!
aduishhh...all of sudden me craving for sengkuang potong with reddish cream topping+nuts+sugar lak(last 5yr adalah jumpa org jual kat lake garden...mak aii RM1 satu dah skrang,dulu 10-20sen jer)...ermmm,sagu dlm paper stick..ishh byk lagi lah makanan yg kadang2 tu merepek-repek time kecik2,what's ur 'chilhood cuisine'?
***********have a nice daY,do come again,ya!***********
wei... apa ni buat orang terliur?? wah...tak aci...
i love ais kerim potong etc..etc as well...
memang semua benda ais ni menag special betul..i think it is part of malaysian's identity... memang kalau balik mesia tahun ni will be among the things i will *attack* :0)
hahahah sampai kena rotan? hahaha nakal jugak yek orang tu masa kecik...
tapi memang la... what u wrote here brings back a lot of childhood memories... :0)
maaf saya tak minat tu ....tapi kalau bagi saya magnum yippeeeeeeeeeee
sis...balik mesia kalu,kene posa sebulan dr turkey...hehe baru balance diet nnt.
hehe...biasa lah,sy saje jer nak rasa thrill kene rotan..huhu
kak elle
ooo suka magnum ek,sy belanja tu jer lah nnt jumpa kak elle kat kl..hehe
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