i got an order last 2weeks....,since the client gave me the freedom on everything i.e:colour,theme etc...as long as it's simple,i was really happy,no fussy n banyak songeh customer..hehe,thus it will make my job easier..but,goshhhh...it's been quite some time since my last job,hence i'm out of idea....haha,amik ubat!so..when i'm so strees up,forcing myself to come out with ideas in the same time running out of time..aiyoooo,i will easily get hungry.kwang kwang kwang....abis ler,naik ler berat badanku ini.anyway,here i'm...writing in my blog(konon2 nak rilex dan cari idea lah ni kan..)with no idea also what to write....browsing at my pic folder...i found theese pics....oklah tu,about food gak...adoiiii nak gi the place to eat,kandaku is sleeping,kepenatan after a tiring weekend doing his tender.so,layan jer lah gambo nie sambil menelan air liur....Glup..!
*this is the plastic bag...yup,murtabak arab st from singapore is finally in mesia.the location is also like in spore near to a mosque.
*look at the packaging...sejibik mcm dr sana,well spore nye plastik beg ada siap ngan wire plastik tu...aiyaa,how to explain ek...haha,nnt lah i will get the one yg belum diikat..hehe.even the getah pengikat tu pun dr sana gak rasanye..the red karer rubber band,mesianye byk pakai orange karerkan...

*chicken n beef murtabak...yummyliciousssss..the taste is as superb as its origin.
*chicken n beef murtabak...yummyliciousssss..the taste is as superb as its origin.
actually,those murtabak was bought by my brother...dia dtg umah nak ziarah my parents masa tu.kita tumpang sekaki ler..hehe.tought of going to the restaurant itself one FINE day...haha,bilalah tu...nak try briyani laks.speaking of briyani,last saturday i went to @l-ins@f (sorry,no pics coz my camera is with my sis)for its briyani yg mmg terkenal kesedapannye itew.it was really a frustating outing...the taste was a bit 'lari'..not as superb as before (fr kandaku & my taste bud opinion lah kan),the chicken portion was smaller n the price a bit higher...aiyooo,nothing is cheap nowadays,rite!?but one thing for sure still the same its pure mango juice,superb!
haha..i bought this 'aspal'-asli tp palsu cr()cs from the 'gergasi' hypermarket for only RM9.90.oklah tu kan rather than spending few ringgit$$ for the authentic ones..hehe,yerlah nak pakai utk gi pasar jer.somehow,i used it only for one time...auchhhh,it hurts!it really help u in the slippery problem whilst walkin in the pasar but the right shoe i guess a bit smaller bcoz of the front cutting dia bengong!!can u notice the shape?perhaps it's just my luck for picking the wrong shoes with a slightly little tiny default or is it becoz of my own imperfect feet figure??hehe....i dont think so....hUHU.moral of the story is...sometimes it is better n safer to buy the original stuff,tapi kalu itew original shoes yg ku beli sudah pastinye,definitely i won't wear it to the market....hehe,sayang wooo it costs u RM100++ beb!!
oklah..that's all for today...lapo lapo nie,need to wake kandaku up from his dreamland...mind my grammar and what so eva ek...haha,weng weng.........
*******haVe a NiCe daY,do come again,ya!*******
oh gi ins@f ya? tenguk tu bukan ummi sorang je kata rasa dia dah larik.. tulip pun kata juga. dah lah tu portion ayam pun kecik gakkan. rasanya chef dia dah balik indialah. terasa kekurengannya kan? mahal pun mahal gak. sekarang barang semuanya mahal. nak tau pasal gambo ya? download photoscape. my anak2 sangat suka main benda tu.. abieh semua gambar di editnya. actually maknya pun sama, itu pasal gambar dah canggih dah sekarang..hehehe
dapa order apa tu tulip? tulip buat catering ke?? heheh..
akak tak pernah makan murtabak singapore tu.. boleh lah try one day..
comel la sandal tu.. sesuai bawak pasar. takdelah nak tergelincir aje kan...
Wah best murtabak singapore kat sini.. tapi tak cakap kat mana.. tgk pd no tepon rasanya cam kat Taipan betul ke?
ayoo yoooo..udah melelih ayo liuq ceq tgk murtabak ini..kena belajar buat murtabak la plak..terasa nak makan la bila tgk ni makanan..ader resepi ker?
getak ker pengikat kat plastik kuah tu kita ingatkan tali rapia yg warna merah..hihii
Tulip..nak gak tau beli kat mana murtabak tu..now memang susah nak cri murtabak yg ori..
Ha..kasut tu my youngest daughter pun beli gak warna oren lagi..dia suka..tapi bila dia pi rmh kwn dia..kwn dia pulak berkenan, terusla kami pun bagi..now dia nak beli yg lain..tapi malas nak g sbb dah jauh dri rmh..dulu beli di tesco sg petani lagi..kat bata mahal sikit rm15.99..akak ada gak d 'alligator' shoes tu,siap letak kartun2 di lubang2..pakai selalu..selesa sgt tho nampak mcm tak ladylike lansung..
haha..i have the shoe..in pink!(not the authentic jugak) :P
yup,i have the same experience :(
tp comel je kan :p
oh murtabak sg dah buka cawangan di sana ye...sedap kan?
tulip ni berniaga pa pulak?
ooo, order suda mari... masyukkkkk! he he he , nanti tepek gambo yer...
Sedapnya murtabak tu...hu hu hu, suka.....
tu lah..dah tak syiok dah nasi kat ins@f tu kan.
sy dah dload da software tu,tp tak dpt nak test lg coz dload dlm ntbook kandaku.kalo install dlm ntbook sy ni...slow banget ler jadinye..huhu!anyway,tq ek sis!
ahaks'..kalo sy wat catering,bley laku ka?kui kui kui...
tu lah,aritu sis gi the summit tu dah dkt sgt dah kedai murtabak tu..takper2 nxt time round ek.
sis kedai tu mmg kat tepan,belakang mesjid al-falah usj9 tu...belakang ngan library hypermedia mpsj tu.gi lah sana bila nk g tgk aiman ke..hehe.
ahaks'...org yg rajin masak lak tanya kite resepi..hehe,silap tanya tu tiey ooit.tp,satu jer yg wat sedap murtabak sgpore ni,daging/inti dia goreng/masak dulu..tu yg sodap!
tu pengikat dia bukan tali rafia lah..hehe,dia mcm dawai,tp plastik aaa.
ummu asiah
restoran tu blakang masjid al-falah usj9 dekat tepan tu.pergi ek sis...sodap.
amboiii...sis pakai yg ada cartoon lg tu..cayalah.sportinglah ummi ni..huhu.erkk..te$c0 yg kat sini takde ke kasut yg sama tu sis?
oh oh yaya
alahai adik manisss u got the same experience also aaa?tapi,comel dan tak kejatuhan di pasarnye pasal,kusarung jua kasut itew..hehe.
tq 4 comin ere ek....beli kasut baru jgn lupe habaq mai na..hehe.
kak elle
tu lah..the original sg murtabak is ere..baru buka fr end last yr tak silap.bila tgk everythg is exactly like in sg nye..lepas wendu.yg nyata rasa tetap sama!!sodap!!
hehe..sy juai booties gak mcm kak elle..msia branch..takdalah,tunggu ek nxt N3
hehe takde ler masyuk sgt sis,bagi rege sedara mare je...bestnye kalo amik real price..wahhh,shoppin sakan lah sy gamaknye.nnt sy tepek pic
nnt mai kl,kite pekena murtabak ni k!
wa..murtabak spore tu...hang ni la...mmg la tau kasik aku macam teringat ringat jer...
aku hari tu makan beriani..beriani kambing kat masjid dekat opis aku ni...murah giler...sedap plak tu. Sigh...apsal ko bukak topik makan ni?
apalagi,dah dkt dah tu ngan umah hang tu kiah...gi lah anak beranak makan..hehe
uik...murah??sodapp??bagusss...kene cari tu,masjid kat opis kiah tu byk tu..yg belah mana ek tu?tp,gue ngak lalu mkn kambin..hehe
maklang teringin nya nak makan murtabak...sedap dan bagus untuk menambahkan berat badan ku...he..he..
insyaAllah...kalo sy ada rezki ke kerteh sy bawakan utk maklg ek murtabak tu.amboiii...jgn tambah byk sgt maklang,tak elok utk spinal tu..tp,kalo dah selera kdg2 kita makan jer kan..hehe nyam nyam...!
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