sesuatu telah berlaku pada hari Ahad yg lepas....sungguh geram dan mengeciwakan...akan ku ceritakan kemudian,sbb azan asar dah memanggil2 10mins yg lalu... (ni kes dok ralit blogwalking ler nie..ihiks'). tambah plak...aishhhh,umah depan,tepi tu dok bakor lalang ptg2 nie..alahaiii,baju2 ku di ampaian tu ada skiiiit lagi nak kering....jgn melekat bau asap tu udah ler....tak suke very particulr with my clothes....bau softner tu mesti melekat dan bau haaarum bila diambil dr ampaian...hehe.sanggup wey rendam lama skit baju tu dlm bilasan terakhir dgn softner tu..hehe.alamak....woykey.,.nanti kita sambung lg...solat first.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
*********HaVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!********
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Labels: damn, general, jalan-jalan
Thursday, May 19, 2011
UbAh dan BerUbah....
sebelum perkara lama berulang lagi...(tersadai lg umah nie..hehe) baik ku coretkan apa jua yg terlintas dlm fikiran nie,bak kata kak mulan waktu kami berjumpa 2-3minggu yg lepas 'tepek jer gambo byk2,takpun tulis jer shotpom shotpom,ringkas2 janji ada hapdet'.so,here i am doing some updates...sebenornye idokler ada hapdet yg best pun,rasanye nk kene mengemas betul2 umah nie,ada separuh list kat tepi tu pun dah tokleh masuk -privasi,mmg dah delete,etc.kemudian nak tukar langsir,perabot skit2 kat umah nie...(woohooo...byk tul perabots purple yg blogspot sediakan eh..caiyok3x).
apa2 pun....hati nie nak gak meluahkan rasa di dalam hati ni dengan lepas satu-satu brg naik rege.nampak gaya,kene asah bakat buat kuih betul2 utk menyambut kedatangan ramadhan,idok ler terasa bagai air mengalir beli kuih di bazar ramadhan.perancangan bercuti pun kenelah diatur sebaik mungkin dgn kenaikan petrol yg katanye akan berlaku lg tak lama lagi.teringat petikan berita dlm radio pagi tadi....'penarikan subsidi ke atas petrol adalah utk membolehkan kerajaan menggunakan dana tersebut utk perkara2 yg lebih memerlukan dan lebih penting...(lebih kurang mcm tu lah bunyiknye).yupppp....harap2 betullah apa yg diwar2kan,jgn digunakan pd perkara yg tak berfaedah atau berkepentingan utk sesuatu kelompok atau yg lebih parah utk individu2 yg tertentu.....aishhhhh,tak takut ke guna hak yg bukan utk tempatnye,tak takut ke nanti bila disoal di akhirat sana....astaghfirullah.moga kita semua terpelihara dr segala sifat2 tercela,amin,
********HaVe a NiCe day,do CoMe again,ya!*********
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Friday, May 6, 2011
kEMbaLi JUa....
-pix fr last,after it has been abandoned for almost 15mths...finally,im back!!miss my blog sooo much :) is true,one of the reason would be the 'efbie' syndrome..hehe..and the rest of it should be obviously,having my 3rd child EZ-phewwhhh having 3 growing kids is really a big thing,but im enjoying it,facing few stories of life,enduring the up n down,not forgetting moving into our own home sweet home,etc.
talking abt 'efbie',at first im sooo not into it....not until my kandaku silently opened an acct for me,hehe (he's tired of sharing his acct with me kot :) coz when people ask 'do u hv fb?yup,i do..put it udr my hubby's acct...lalalala :P )
i simply ignored my own new acct for few the end i hv to surrender myself n learn abt it when mostly everybody fr blogsphere was became interesting to hv my dear bloggers there n d obsession addicted hokay...hehe
but,today...i decided to reopen my blog as it's here where i got to know all of my great friends-sisters-brothers-crafters a.k.a happening bloggers.hope it wont be just 'hangat2 tahi ayem' hehe.{ouchhh....ive forgotten how to operate d blog plus with new thingy here n there...otakku kaputtt..hehe}
im also thinking of restricting my blog fr public....ermmm,should i shouldnt i eh?
one thing for sure.....IM BACK!!
*************have a NiCe day,do come again,ya!*************
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