*salah satu bbq stand yg berjasa di mlm itew....takde saper ke nak sodokah elektrik bbq yg besau tu,hehe.
rasa2nye dah lama kami adik beradik tak berkumpul....i did try to plan for a family gathering few months back..tak jadi gak,ada jer aral melintang...even during the holy month of Ramadhan pun tak dpt gak nak wat buka posa adik-beradik.so,dlm keadaan a bit kelam kelabut...maklumlah,with 2 kanak2 ribena, kandaku handling the logistic and me preparing the food...berjaya gak wat family gathering last saturday...(erkkk..sorry ler,pic lupa nak snap...capek gue..hehe).i prepared 5ekor chicken,lamb(idok ler 5 ekor...ader ler dlm 10keping)..then,with the help from my eldest niece,miza syakirah i served potato salad,whipped potatos and creamy mushroom soup.not forgotten the pencicah and blackpepper sauce and my cheeky niece,sarah kamilia plak helped me siapkan garlic bread .my sister kak lang sponsored ikan n sotong..she also made egg salad.my beloved auntie mak itam fr singapore plak buatkan roti kirai/roti jala with kari daging.my kak chik lak as usual came with her famous doughnut...all the food for the day were hand-made.we also had a birthday celebration for my nephew,mustafa hazim a.k.a abg ngah.
thanks to all my family members and the guests yg sudi dtg.....sorry ler kalu ade terkurang mana y patut...whateva it is....glad that at last we managed to get together.
*ubi kentang sebelum dikerjakan....
next gathering,i'm thinking of home steamboat gathering..anybody out there pernah wat kat umah...care to share with me the preparation,where to get etc?
satu petang di rumah pak Lang....
'mommy...lookkk,ape nie?'
'come closer...mommy tak nampak...'
'oOOooo....this is ship,sayang...'
'no lah mommy....boat lah....'
*inilah dia boat nye...'boat' kertas-origami yg dijumpai.
di dalam sebuah kedai pakaian kanak-kanak...on the way nak keluar from the shop....
'wowww...wat se det mommy? (what is that mommy)...' sambil tunjuk ke atas,ada pelampung tergantung.
'that is fish ...nice ya...' (dlm hati risau gak kalu2 dia nakkan pelampung tu..hehe)
'no lah mommy.....dolphin lah...'
aduishh..kene sejibik lagi kat mommy..'oklah,next time mommy will be more specific..but that is fish...dolphin fish..'
DQ memandang ke mommy ngan muka blurr...
'dolphin aaa....' this time muka mcm dah nak nangis
'ok ok ok...it is dolphin'
yup....pelampung tu memang bentuk dolphin.ermmm....sabar jer lah.

*lebey kurang ler ghuper dolphin buoy yg tergantung tu...cume it's blue in colour.
*******haVe a NiCe day,do come again,ya!********
wah...bestnya..bbq....mana gamba bbq nya..takkan gamba tmpt bakarnya je..
DQ..getting cheekier than the mummy ye...
Dear cuzon,
Woww....wat a spread of food! homemade agi....mesti delicious & yummy kan esp. my momma roti jala! ;)
Mak oii..kentang satu kotak! dahsyat....:)
Regards to DQ: kids nowadays very the intelligent i tell you! Mesti keep up with them if not kiter kene ler!!!
Cakap pasal BBQ stand.. teringat BBQ stand dlm Licence to Grill.. kalau lah dpt cam tu, kak sya tak pakai gas dah masak.. he he eh
hehe..bbqnye luper nak snap.stand bbq tu pun hubby yg ingatkn amik,leh wat N3 katanye..hehe.
tulah dia...anak2 zaman sekarang,bak kata doctor i jumpa aritu..kids nowady dah terlebey DHA..erkk?!
tu lah...bilalah rombongan dr bkt pjg nak sampai umah i nie?hehe
biasalah,air tangan ur mommy of coz ler the very the yummy one!
ermm..nnt si adik dah besar gak,lg ler nak kene cope up kan...hehe
sissss....sy memang maksudkan grill dlm license to grill to lah..hehehe.syiokk kan?!kalu sis dpt grill mcm tu..kompem sy pindah sebelah umah,takpun sy berkhemah kat kebun umah sis tu..hehehe
uish.. best nyer!
next time buat bbq kat Kepal batas ya. leh ngendeng...
AlahaiDQ..windu nyer....
akak suka BBQ.. baru2 ni masa gathering, ada gak BBQ tapi akak makan ayam, udang and ikan aje.. ops.. tak lupa juga sate..
yang paling bestnya.. semuanya dimasak oleh kaum adam :)
settt..nnt kami wat di KP laks,bleylah order chicken pie sis naa...hehe
neeza shahril
hehe...mana tak suka ek sis,makan utk 3org sekali..huhu.itulah,kalu org lain sediakan lg ler menyelerakan.
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